What people are saying.

  • “Danielle has run an amazing program at our facility that she created. Her materials and her way with the children are exceptional. Danielle genuinely cares about them and their well-being, and it shows through her teachings and her actions. She is supportive both in the classroom as well as active in the community to show she supports them.”

    — Andrea Moffett, Director Downtown YMCA Teen Center

  • “Miss Randall's ability to work with youth is amazing. She knows how to grasp the attention of a classroom without stripping the enjoyment of learning. When doing work she'll go out of her way to ensure each student fully understands a concept. She also understands and knows how to deal with kids emotionally which helps defuse a lot of situations”

    — Anthony Williams, EHS class of 2023, future Realtor

  • “Danielle has a remarkable ability to connect with diverse groups of students and provide them with valuable support in academics, life skills, and job opportunity connections.Her dedication to fostering positive relationships and understanding the unique needs of each individual empowers students to succeed and reach their full potential.”

    — Zakaria Sharif, Erie County Department of Health & School Board Director

  • “I feel Miss Randall is a great fit for the youth. She is motivating and pushes young kids and teens like myself to become better than our past and strive for the best future.”

    — Kenyatta Howard, Jr., EHS class of 2023, future Welder

  • “Danielle knows how to connect with the youth in a way that makes them more open to new ideas, and is also willing to listen to other ideas. She is able to de-escalate a conflict and bring the focus back to the task at hand, as well as being able to communicate well with the youth.”

    — Gaby Nieves, EHS class of 2023, Erie Community College

  • “Miss Randall is very kind and outgoing. She always puts others before herself and she makes learning in a classroom fun and enjoyable and not stressful”

    — Lincoln Phillips, EHS class of 2024