• What does our program teach?

    Our program educates young people on essential skills for thriving in adulthood. This is achieved through dynamic lessons, small group discussions, engaging field trips, and presentations by industry experts.

  • How did we choose the topics to teach?

    Our selection of topics stems from surveys conducted among more than 150 adults and teenagers. Analyzing these findings, we identified the crucial and pressing skills for our curriculum. Additionally, program participants contribute feedback and suggestions for additional topics they find intriguing.

  • Who should participate in our program?

    Our programming caters to young adults aged 14-20, whether they are currently enrolled in school, have recently graduated, or are pursuing a GED.

  • How long are classes?

    Our classes typically run for 45-60 minutes and encompass structured instruction, engaging activities, and interactive discussions. Participants are required to undertake pre and post tests to assess both the effectiveness of the class and the instructor.

  • What are small group discussions and why do they have their own sessions?

    The weekly small group discussions provide program participants with a safe space to openly address life issues, celebrate successes, and receive both guidance and academic support. Feedback shows that 100% of participants enjoy the small group discussions.

  • What sets Future Focused apart from other programs for teens?

    While we acknowledge the presence of other programs for young adults, we believe several factors distinguish us. Our distinctive capacity to meet participants where they are, cultivate meaningful relationships that enhance receptiveness to the content, and provide relevant, up-to-date material aligned with young peoples’ interests set us apart. Our data from program participants corroborates these claims!